27 aprile 2009

un giorno a casa-a day at home

Noi abbiamo fatto una torta di fragole :) e voi?
We 've made a strawberries cake :) and you?

A me non piacciono i dolci ma mi diverto a decorarli.
Mio fratello invece preferisce mangiarseli tutti!
I don't like cakes but it's funny to make decorations on.
Instead my brother ADORES them!!

Shhh...silenzio,genio al lavoro ;)
Shhh...silence, genius at work ;)

Felice lunedì!
Happy monday!

2 commenti:

  1. mmmm strawberries are very nice! have you eaten it all yet? dx.

  2. Hi Deb:)
    My brother did eat ALL the entire cake in 20 minutes!!!!!!!!!
    I can't believe...he is so tall and thin!
    kisses xx


Ciao :)
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